
Showing posts from October, 2018

Digital and print magazine analysis Learning aim A

Digital Magazine Purpose of NME The purpose of a magazine is to entertain and inform, a music magazine is for readers to be updated on a specific genre of music, upcoming gigs, and interviews with musicians. Informing them on all things music. NME is a free magazine but still uses persuasive language and colour to attract readers to read about music. Film and style advertising products throughout the magazine. NME is available on digital and print, both having their benefits. The target audience for NME The target audience for NME includes well-educated fans of bands and new music. The average age of 17- 30. 73% and 27% female. NME readers depend highly on his magazine because it has in-depth knowledge of music, film and technology and fashion due to the weekly frequency of the brands advertised. Pros and cons of a digital magazine Pro’s Cons Cuts down print and ink costs which is a cheaper alternative and is eco-friendly for the environment. You ne